Friday, June 20, 2008

My Garden

Every morning I go out to my garden and check things out, see how big the plants have grown since yesterday, see if there are any bad bugs eating them. This is my first garden, so I'm pretty excited to watch my veggies grow. I've never really had a place for a garden, so when we had our backyard re-landscaped last Fall, they put in a raised flower bed. It's only about 2 1/2 feet wide, but about 25 feet long. I don't really have a green thumb, I usually neglect plants, forgetting to water them, and not giving them fertilizer.

Jesus uses gardening practices in many of his teachings. One of my favorites is the parable of the sower Matthew 13. We simply can't just throw out seed and expect it to grow. We must take care of it, water it daily, nurture it until it produces fruit. Last night at Bible study Joel used an illustration that we must become sponges filled with water, not dry and empty, so that we have something to pour out onto others.

Those words really inspired me to do some self-reflection on if I am really filled with the water of life, or am I dry, having nothing to give.


Tim Scarbrough said...

Great blog Precious!

Tim Scarbrough said...

You need to show updated pics of your garden.