Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Go Karts Part 2

Ok so Tim took his office staff to Need 2 Speed today for a meeting and some racing. I was going to go along so that I could take pictures, however my wonderful, super sweet loving husband said that he'd video tape and I could race. YES!

Everyone who was going was pretty excited. Few had never been there before. Then there's Chris. Hardcore racer. And don't forget his brother Mark. The first race we had was a warm up. Mark took first place in that race. Then the second race we had Chris took first place. Surprisingly Holly our office manager took 3rd place in the first race. As for me, I took 6th place both races. =( Guess I need some more practice. Overall we had a blast.


Rachel Barnett said...

I had such a blast racing!!! That picture of us turned out SUPER cute. We are gorgeous!!!

Joel and Leslie said...

Looks like fun! Now that is my kind of meeting =)