Yesterday I posted on my status update that it was National Margarita Day. A few minutes later someone commented on that post with simply Proverbs 20:1. So of course I quickly looked it up as I do not have Proverbs memorized. It reads, "Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise." Now this person does not know me at all, we were acquaintances. I felt immediately judged and replied with Matthew 7. You can go read it.
So of course I took the person off of my "friends" list, as I don't really consider that person a friend. I think it to be wise to have discernment when adding FB friends.
Anyway, that person's spouse posted "I pray more Christians can have eyes opened to see the foolishness of drinking alcohol-even in moderation. I wrote a book on this to show biblical and historically the lack of wisdom involved here." So I am getting that person believes that it is a sin for Christians to drink any alcohol at all. This really bothered me and I had a hard time understanding why it did. So I prayed for the Lord to open my eyes if they really were blind.
So these are a few of my thoughts.....
I came from alcoholic parents, so if anyone should be against drinking I feel as if it should be me.
My parents divorced when I was 12, didn't see my father much. My mom remarried. My mom really didn't become an alcoholic until after I was grown and out of the house, however my step- dad abused alcohol and I saw first hand what it did to my mom and I. I vowed that I would never be like my parents. I thank the Lord that I never had to struggle with this addiction!!!
Now, have you ever seen a glass of wine mock someone? Or a glass get onto a fight? Nope.
It isn't the alcohol itself that is the problem. The scripture says, whoever is led astray by them is not wise. Basically a fool. Of course I believe that all scripture is God breathed, and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. 2Timothy 3:16
There are also many scriptures stating that too much drink is foolish. I couldn't agree more. You should have restraint in many areas of your life such as the love of money, gluttony, gossip, ect.
Therefore my conclusion is this, If you know me, you know that I don't drink very often, once a month is more often that I actually do drink, and when I do drink, it is very rare that I consume
too much to become drunk. So please don't pass judgement on me if you don't know me!