This is the last week of summer vacation for our girls. Next Monday they will return to school.
It's kind of a bittersweet thing. Gone are the lazy days of sleeping in, swimming, waterworks park...on the other end of the spectrum, the girls will be gone for 6 hours everyday. I will have a little more time to get caught up on housework, going to the gym, out to lunch with friends, whatever. I will also have those after school things, homework, class projects, dance, ect.
I love it all, every phase of the year. I will try to embrace these things the girls go through, as they do grow up fast. Wednesday Brandon will be 17. It's hard for me to believe how old he is getting. He has his driving permit now and will be able to get his liscense in Feburary. Soon he will want to move out and live his life on his own. I hope we have properly prepared him for that adventure.